IPL + Laser Make ThreeforME a Great Choice

Laser treatment can be one of the best methods for skin rejuvenation and provides a great alternative to addressing specific skin concerns. Our state-of-the-art ICON laser from Cynosure can deliver an excellent treatment to simultaneously treat three common skin concerns in one procedure: wrinkles, UV damage, and facial veins. The ThreeforMe laser treatment has been developed to provide the best outcomes on all three skin conditions while requiring the least downtime.  This treatment is a two-step procedure that combines IPL and fractional laser treatments. The first phase is IPL laser therapy to address discoloration, hyperpigmentation, and facial veins, followed by Fractional laser treatment to treat wrinkles and fine lines. These two technologies combined provide the skin three benefits: reduced redness and pigmentation, decreased fine lines and wrinkles, and improved skin texture.

If you have any combination of the following skin concerns, the ThreeForMe laser treatment may be the perfect option.

  • Wrinkles
  • Sun Damage
  • Dull, dry skin
  • Spider veins and broken capillaries
  • Sagging Skin
  • Rosacea
  • Uneven skin texture

Understanding ThreeForMe:

How it works.

The ThreeforMe treatment combines the best of two popular yet distinct modalities for treating age-related skin problems: Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Microbeam laser.

This treatment requires two phases or “passes” to employ these technologies used for optimal results.

The first pass utilizes the IPL technology to address skin discolorations such as freckles, brown spots, age spots, damaged blood vessels, spider veins, and rosacea.

The second pass employs the “microbeam” laser technology to rejuvenate the skin by promoting the development of new collagen and elastin. Fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and other surface flaws are reduced as the underlying skin structure improves, which provides a more rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

What to expect?

This laser treatment is gentle and non-invasive and consists of 2 phases, completed in approximately 30 minutes. These two laser passes are not painful, but most people may experience slight discomfort during the procedure. Following treatment, some minor swelling and redness may be experienced a few days later, similar to sunburn. Facial veins and discoloration may become more pronounced directly after treatment, but these spots will peel off, resulting in a clearer, more radiant complexion. Fine lines and wrinkles will improve gradually, with continual results seen over the six months following treatment.

How many treatments should you get?

The recommended number of treatments may vary based on the patient, but typically, the best results are seen after two to three treatments, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, with full results achieved around six months after treatment.

What is the downtime?

ThreeforMe requires no real downtime, meaning you can resume your normal activities immediately. However, you should plan to wear sunscreen every day during and after treatment since your skin will be more sensitive to UV during healing. Some people experience a day or two of redness and mild swelling, so don’t plan any social events or activities immediately afterward.

How long until you see results?

Progressive results are usually seen a week after each session; however, the full results of treatments will not be evident for about 3 to 6 months. The skin needs time to heal, rejuvenate, and eventually rebuild collagen. Pigmentary issues may resolve quickly or take months since the pigment can be present at different depths in the skin.  If you are planning a special event or trip, and your goal is to have the full results of treatment, start 3-4 months ahead of time, allowing yourself to fully experience the results.

When it comes to revitalizing your appearance and addressing skin issues, ThreeForMe might be one of the most effective methods available. Book a no-obligation consultation to learn about this and other aesthetic facial skin therapies.

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